The Effects of Rape and Sexual Trauma on its Victims
Mellie Grant, the scheming, conniving and willful First Lady at first glance, has a much richer history. A history that connects to many...

Daddy Issues: You Can’t Take Command
I need to find a way to win. I feel lost being a loser. Losing to my father. This feels too familiar. I gave Jake an earful as I say...

Daddy Issues: Why Does He Hate Me
We love to watch Olivia Pope in action. She’s such a complex character. Her leadership, self-confidence, and acrimonious ability to...

Out of the Shadows: Scandal's First Lady
While I was watching #Scandal throughout the first few seasons, it was in my opinion that Mellie Grant was arguably the most disliked...

A Scandal
A Scandal Darkness surrounded me as I locked the office door at Building Opportunities for Self-Sufficiency on Broadway. I jumped on my...