Single Ladies in the Bay: Part 2
“You cannot belong to anyone else, until you belong to yourself.” ~Pearl Bailey In Part I, I discussed some mistakes and challenges...

Single Ladies in the Bay: Part 1
For women, dating in the Bay Area presents its own sets of challenges. Many obstacles are similar to the ones that women in any major...

Out of the Shadows: Scandal's First Lady
While I was watching #Scandal throughout the first few seasons, it was in my opinion that Mellie Grant was arguably the most disliked...

A Scandal
A Scandal Darkness surrounded me as I locked the office door at Building Opportunities for Self-Sufficiency on Broadway. I jumped on my...

Are You In Love with a Narcissist? Part 2
Are You In Love with a Narcissist? Part 2 In Part I, I discussed how to identify a person displaying narcissistic traits and the impact...

Are You in Love with Narcissist? Part 1
Beyoncé’s new album “Lemonade” has the rumor mill in full swing about her marriage. So many have been desperately waiting to confirm that...

Before Mr. & Mrs. Smith KNEW Each Other
Whether or not you were directly affected by the recent Ashley Madison scandal (thankfully most of us probably were not), if you’re in a...

An Arrow from Cupid
Due to Valentine’s Day love is in the air and I thought I would write something about relationships. After all a Valentine symbolizes a...